
大阪公立大学「EJ ART」人材育成プログラム受講生募集

大阪公立大学「EJ ART」人材育成プログラムのリーフレットを作成し、受講生の募集を開始しました。2023年7月からプログラムスタートです。






近年欧米では、Diversity & InclusionにEquity&Justiceも含めていくというアプローチが、マイノリティの社会構造的不平等の問題に日々向き合うなかで、雇用、人材育成、就業環境等で活用されています。Diversity Equity and Inclusion(DE&I)やJustice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JUDI)と使われることも多いようです。


本プログラムの特徴の一つは、アートを媒介とした深刻な社会課題の解決・克服を念頭に置きつつ、ソーシャルワーク的な手法、思考方法についての専門性を高めていくことです。特にAOP(Anti Oppressive Practice)に関する講座は、現在の日本におけるアートマネジメント教育では先駆的な取り組みと自負するもので、自分たちの働く業界から不正義を一掃するマインドを身につけていきます。



In Europe, there has been a recent emphasis on incorporating equity and justice within the framework of diversity and inclusion. This approach has been applied in various areas, such as employment, training, and work environments, with the goal of addressing the issue of inequality faced by minority groups. This approach is commonly known as diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) and also known as Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JUDI).

Turning to Japan, numerous art fields exhibit remarkable advancements and achievements. Nevertheless, concerns have been raised regarding challenges within the art industry, including instances of harassment, exploitation, fatigue, and gender disparities. These issues arise from imbalances between mentors and learners, artists and spectators, insufficient financial backing and unfavorable work environments.

One of the key features of this program is to elevate expertise in social work principles and thinking, seeking to confront and surmount profound social issues through art. In particular, we take great pride in our foundational AOP (Anti-Oppressive Practice) lectures that represent our advanced efforts in domestic art management education. Our goal is to foster a mindset that challenges and addresses injustice within the art field.

We embrace the principles of Equity & Justice (EJ) and Anti-Oppressive Practice (AOP) as essential elements in the realm of domestic social arts. We call on students who are advocates of social change and innovation, regardless of their age, experience, or professional background. Our programs offer an inclusive space for all, whether they are students or professionals. Together we can build a more just future together.


特別シンポジウム パンデミック後のビエンナーレ・トリエンナーレの行方ー領域横断的な視点から次のページ


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